Gypmart Gypbond

A unique product developed with technical support from a leading German chemical company that serves as an excellent bond on the fair face background and internal gypsum or any other plaster based wall & ceiling. Its mix of polymers, granular fillers & additives improves its bonding properties and thus there is no need to do ‘hacking’.

Features and Benefits

  • Excellent cohesive bond to RCC, concrete and other surfaces
  • Ideal for fair face construction substrate
  • Moisture tolerant
  • Can be used in temperatures from 50 to 450C
  • Better bonding due to coarse particles
  • Due to colour in the ‘Gypmart Gypbond’, the area can be demarcated
  • Coverage 35-40 sq.ft per kg.
  • Available in 10 & 20 kg packing